(all videos)
The episodes on Freedrive are down for good, however, you can still get all of the episodes via MySpace. Please: to support them. Thanks to them, we can get all of the episodes and the movies. But you gotta sign up using the reference code: U000FD2CD, otherwise I can't put up the links anymore. SIGN UP! Thanks a lot.
FreeDiskSpace/MySpace Episodes Episodes 1-8 Episodes 9-16 Episodes 17-24 Episodes 25-26 Death and Rebirth on MySpace (password=evarealm) End of Evangelion on MySpace(password=evarealm)
End of Evangelion on Streamload End of Evangelion and Death and Rebirth (both full) FreeDrive Episodes NOTE: Because Freedrive has disabled public sharing, you
have to use a different way to get to the episodes. Goto www.freedrive.com
and sign in as "evaforevaeps" and password "evaforeva".
Inside is a folder that has links to all of the episodes. Please DO NOT
delete the files as it took me a long time to put them all there. Thanks.
(I'm keeping the original links in case Freedrive decides to bring back
public sharing).
Evangelion Movies:
Evangelion Death and Rebirth part 1 Evangelion Death and Rebirth part 2 Evangelion Death and Rebirth part 3 Evangelion Death and Rebirth part 4 You have to become a member with Freedrive or a member with MySpace to download any of the videos. |